
Helping MAT finance teams stay ahead

We believe in supporting MAT finance teams to deliver excellent financial management. Explore a range of resources and best practice recommendations from our team of experts, as well as current advice from MAT leaders.

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From our blog

Follow our blog for everything new and noteworthy in MAT finance – from product announcements to feature updates, user stories to MAT growth insights, let’s talk about it.

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MAT budget-setting season: 9 top tips from IMP Software partner trusts
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MAT budget review: 4 top tips
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MAT budget preparation: 10 top tips from IMP
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The quest for budget-led accounting: IMP Finance launched with integrated Purchasing system built for MATs
Budgeting for Grants That Transition into GAG Funding Through the NFF 
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What is Budget-Led Finance, and what are the benefits for your MAT?

The MAT Finance Show

Watch all the episodes of The MAT Finance Show, our podcast dedicated to exploring the MAT finance sector.

IMP - MFS - New Brand - ep 31
MAT Budgeting 101: How to achieve a cohesive approach across your schools
IMP - MFS - New Brand - ep 30
Needs-based budgeting and GAG pooling - a sector update
IMP - MFS - New Brand - ep 29
How we enable ICFP to be embedded
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What's stopping the sector from embedding ICFP
IMP - MFS - New Brand - ep 27
MAT centralisation. A guide to financial operating models
IMP - MFS - New Brand - ep 26 - v2
Will there ever be a time when trusts are funded directly?

IMP Events

Find out where you can meet us or book your place for one of our events.

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Multiple Dates Available
Conquer MAT Budget Season with IMP Planner
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Multiple Dates Available
Unveiling IMP Finance! A Smarter Approach to Purchasing and Accounting (On demand)
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Event Date | 10 April 2025
MAT Budgeting 101: How to achieve a cohesive approach across your schools
Event Thumbnails (6)
Multiple Dates Available
Budget-Led Finance: The Future of MAT Financial Management is Coming (On Demand)

Case studies

MATs just like yours share their experiences with IMP Sofware and the impact we have helped them have on their trust.

Learners Trust - Case Study
MAT Size | 11 to 20 Schools
Revolutionising Financial Oversight: LEARNERs’ Trust’s Budgeting Transformation with IMP Planner
Broad Leaf
MAT Size | 1 to 10 Schools
Broadleaf Partnership Trust on How IMP Software Transformed Efficiency and Simplified Financial Management
Vic Trust
MAT Size | 1 to 10 Schools
Leveraging IMP Software for Strategic Financial Management
ALP - Case Study
MAT Size | 20 + Schools
ALP Enhances Financial Planning with IMP Software, Driving Efficiency and Transparency Across 22 Schools
Meridian Trust
MAT Size | 20 + Schools
Meridian Trust Optimises Budgeting and Reforecasting, Saving Time with IMP Planner
Leodis Academies Trust
MAT Size | 1 to 10 Schools
How IMP ICFP Transformed Staffing and Resource Planning at Leodis Academies Trust


Download our latest research on the challenges facing the MAT finance sector.

The IMP MAT Finance Sector Insight Report
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Topic | GAG pooling
GAG Pooling & Centralisation in MATs
Topic | MAT Growth
The 2030 MAT growth challenge
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Topic | MAT Growth
A growing philosophy
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Topic | GAG pooling
Pooling reserves and budget centralisation in multi-academy trusts

Let us help you transform your MAT's financial planning

Our team of experts are on hand to help you.

How many schools are in your trust?


Our trust has 2 to 29 Schools


Our trust has 30 + Schools